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Chairman: Guido Caldarelli

Program Chair: Stefano Battiston 



Scientific Committee: 

Alberto Bemporad | Ciro Cattuto | Alessandro Chessa | Mario Di Bernardo | Giovanni Dosi | Andrea Gabrielli | Jorge Louçã | Yamir Moreno | Fabio Pammolli | Dino Pedreschi | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | Nicola Lattanzi Luciano Pietronero | Michelangelo Puliga Walter Quattrociocchi Massimo Riccaboni | Gianni Riotta  | Antonio Scala  | Sander van der Leeuw



Local Committee:

Giuseppe Antuofermo | Alice Baudone | Barbara Borselli | Fabiana Campanella | Alessandro Chessa | Guido Caldarelli | Anna Maria Loguercio | Michelangelo Puliga | Walter Quattrociocchi



ECCS Steering Committee: 

Alessandro Vespignani - president of CSS

Jorge Louca - chair of ECCS CS

Alain Barrat Paul Bourgine | Guido Caldarelli Vittoria Colizza | Albert Diaz-Guilera | Janusz Holyst | Kristian Lindgren | Maxi San Miguel | Roberto Serra | Mina Teicher | Stefan Thurner | Constantino Tsallis  




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